The Rewinding (Feature Film)

REWINDING pagina 58

The Rewinding is an action packed "science fiction" psychological thriller about a man who, waking from a coma, discovers that he has not only lost his memory but is also experiencing an unheard-of medical condition, which causes him to live life both forwards and backwards at the same time, experiencing present (future) and past "for the first time", simultaneously. As both "realities" unfold he must find and follow his own past self in order to understand his deadly predicament in the present, while at the same time trying to save a wife he doesn’t remember who might be dead already.

I guess that if there’s ever been a movie script that starts in medias res, then it’s The Rewinding. The Rewinding starts literally at the climax of the story and then doubles back in two strands one in the present and one in the past, both reaching their own intertwined climaxes at the end. It’s a concept so rare and unique that the format alone could be an excellent excuse to get people talking about the movie and "hype it up" (free publicity).

I’ve got some ideas for who could be the lead actor. And as for the director, I’d like him to be Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, J.J. Abrams, or Alfonso Cuarón. Or a person similar to them.

Before Gravity I couldn’t see how this movie could possibly be made and look good. I guess that sometimes it would be okay to simply reverse a filmed scene or to act backwards, but I don’t think that it would feel real, all in all, especially since there are many shots where the lead actor, “living forwards” has to interact with another version of himself, “living backwards”. All that is possible now that an actor sees it all while being moved along with the lights and camera in perfect synchronization.

False modesty aside: Apart from all I’ve written, if you’re planning to win an award in the categories best sound editing, best sound mixing, and last but not least best visual effects, you definitely should take a look at and consider my Rewinding!

If you’re interested, please send me an e-mail with the following keyword: REWINDING. Please annex your curriculum and links to productions you’ve been part of, or business related contacts you might have. If I like what I see I’ll come back to you and explain what it’s all about.

The Rewinding

The Real Thing (Psychological Thriller)


The Real Thing is a psychological thriller, an independent feature film that has what it takes to be considered for prequels and sequels. The script is also available in Spanish.

When the actors of a movie called The Real Thing notice that they haven’t been chosen solely for their acting skills and good looks, it might already be too late for them to escape the script’s deadly plot.

Shift (Series Idea)

Youl’ll get the basis for a mystery/adventure/drama/science fiction series that might become the next "Lost", or "24", or "Prison Break" phenomenon! It only depends of the people buying my idea to make it that phenomenon! It’s all there! You just have to follow my leads and structure! And be Stephen Spielberg or J.J. Abrams. Or a person similar to them!

I already have an outline for three seasons that are great on their own, which also allows for an infinite number of additional ideas going forward I’m also mentioning.

As with The Rewinding, it’s a concept so rare and unique that the format alone could be an excellent excuse to get people talking about the series and “hype it up” (free publicity). And again, the technology used for Gravity would be ideally suited for Shift, as if they were meant for each other.

I don’t want to reveal the concept or content here, because it would be too risky, but I can give you this insight: Quite often you see how movies are compared to others in order to create feelings by publicity, like “Die Hard” meets “Mrs. Doubtfire” or “Lost” meets “Heroes”, or “Patch Addams” meets “The Terminator”, etc. Well, I don’t know if that's good policy (I don’t like it, to tell you the truth), but in our case it could be, for we may provide an endless list that would be actually accurate, for our Shift may meet them all! For drama meets comedy meets action meets crime meets fantasy meets science fiction meets western meets animation meets thriller, etc. Shift reunites all genres, but the logical way, without ceasing to be mystery, and without changing its serious elements and story throughout.

If you’re interested, please send me an e-mail with the following keyword: SERIES. Please annex your curriculum and links to productions you’ve been part of, or business related contacts you might have. If I like what I see I’ll come back to you and explain what it’s all about.