I work with internationally acclaimed professionals that rank among the best of their branch. I’m thankful to God that he has allowed me to make the acquaintance of my friend Wally Gomez, a great artist and coordinator who’s reunited me with wonderful comic-strip artists.

Images and stories first form in my head. Then I write their scripts and/or trace their storyboards. Since I studied movies that’s not too difficult. The artists draw the pencil drafts and send them to me in order to be revised. Once they’re approved, ink is being applied. And maybe color. This process repeats page after page… until the comic stands.

More than 25 years ago I began with conceiving comics. Then I turned my back on comics, frustrated over the fact that I couldn’t find a person who would draw them. So, for 10 years I dedicated to books. When I finally returned to comics years later, some months later I happened to find my first comic I had totally forgotten. It reminded me of The Adventures of Tintin that had inspired me so much when I was a boy. It was full of humor, charm, and unimagined twists, and way better than anything I had worked on over the last few months. So I became my own teacher. It took me almost a year in order to come back to the level I had been on when I was about 15 years old.

I’ve discovered that I prefer writing comics and films to books. For the rest I can easily picture one or more of my comics being made into a movie. The other way round it would also work, for some of my movies would cut a fine figure being comics.

Consecutively I’ll present a better part of my already begun or planned comics. The first volume of The Last Waterloo has been published in Spanish FOR YOU. Death of Two Heretics, strictly speaking not a comic, is completed and FREE! Greasy Grass, one of my favorite projects, and Day vs. Night are already in different phases of production and I invite you to click on the links in order to look at some of the drawings.

You’ll get to the barometer of public opinion by clicking here! Barometer

First I want to introduce to you the comics that could be gone about immediately, since the script is or done or nearly completed:

Edward Rosenthal’s

This series is a matter that is near to my heart. For many, many years I’ve been accumulating ideas drawn, written and in my mind for short comics, cartoons, impressive illustrations, strange images, illustrated sayings, and further ideas that I would love to present to you and the world, finally. Humor, adventure, action, drama, tragedy, science fiction, phantasy, it’s all there! Plenty of abstract, experimental, startling, and strange creations wait to be presented in a series of comic books that will delight the eye. I’d love to publish two 54 pages long volumes each year. The material and ideas piled right now allow for going on publishing for about three years. But knowing myself I can say that, once those years have passed, there will be additional material for assuredly two more volumes, at least.

I plan to hire wonderful artists from Argentina and the rest of the world who I know do a good job. The volumes will feature a slightly different content for the German and Spanish editions, for not everything can be translated analogously. I prefer to select other material over presenting a translated version that doesn’t meet the original’s high standard.

I’ve always dreamt of an enduring flow where I’d give my ideas, drafts, and scripts to a capable artist and he’d put it into practice immediately, so I could use it, post it, and publish it in a flash. Truth is that, before getting to know the artists I now know are good and professional, I had to deal with a Bolivian one whom I paid many bucks over the years, hardly seeing my ideas fulfilled in the manner I had wished for. Instead of seeing my dreams come true and being witness to an enduring flow of my art, I was thrown into a nightmare that endured for many years, enslaving myself. More on that in the NSFAQ section soon! My comic Quarter of a Century, my book In the Country of (Un)limited Impossibilities, and at least one future short story will deal with this episode of my life. It shall be understood that in those years of being a slave I didn’t stand around idle; scripts for comics and movies were born in that time.

With the good artists I now know, some of them featured on this very homepage, this can become a wonderful reality! I wouldn’t even have to create something new, for it’s all there, waiting to be accomplished! But I need your help! If you want to see these projects made a reality, click here!

DEPTH OF FIELD, drawn by my friend Tulio Barrios, is only one example of what my SUNDRIES will look like:


The Last Waterloo is about a madman who thinks he’s Napoleon. Assisted by people who want to see him as their country’s emperor, he breaks out of the (North American) madhouse prison, taking the inmates with him, in order to succeed where the real Napoleon failed: win the battle of Waterloo!

The Last Waterloo is the first of five adventures that belong to a series that features brainsick criminals that appear to be good people, leaders, role models who brainwash innocent people in order that they carry into execution their sinister plans and then receive the punishment their manipulators should receive. Here the four future installments:

The Good Memories

Many years ago there was a wave of people disappearing. Now the disappeared have returned in order to execute the inexorable plan they’ve been trained for. They believe to pursue a just goal when in fact it’s all about a big organized con that will leave them exposed to justice, once they’ve accomplished the crime, and betrayed by those that kidnapped them when they were little children.

The Same Eyes

Four carefully chosen persons guard four keys that united open the door to a measureless treasure. It’s for that reason that, when being stolen, the police is sure that the criminals can only be those who allegedly were watching over it. What they don’t know is that one of the four is a serial killer and another one the person who’s been after him for several years, unsuccessfully.

The Army of Marionettes

An organized illness makes the people dependent of a small group that prepared it all in order to govern the world. With the help of the army of marionettes a handful of not infected, or healed, confronts the criminals that conceived the evil plan, and their sightly personal armed forces.

The Great Deception

The great deception is the strategy of a minority that wants to rule all temporal and eternal affairs in order to govern the world in accord with their own sinister plans. The last war is the one of the brainwashed that, guided by merciless people, go against another minority that doesn’t want to be manipulated, preferring to die in liberty than to live in slavery.

Operation Gravitation, Gravy

Strunz infiltrates the Scientific Private Corporation for the Pioneering and Pathbreaking Innovation in order to frustrate, with the help of a group of soldiers the plans of Professor Wolff who’s about to annul gravity and make disappear into space a big part of the world’s population.

This comic is ready to be drawn, for the script is completed. I’d like it to feature a format that’s considerably taller than the average comic. There will be pages the reader will be able to read from both sides, following two narrative strands happening at the same time. 

Operation Gravitation, Gravy is based on a short story I wrote in German that’s got a more humorously tone to it. I will translate it into English as soon as time allows.

More on this project in the NSFAQ secton.

Two more comics to complete this series’s trilogy are planned:

Operation Ark, Arcane

Strunz infiltrates the company responsible both for the genetic engineering of the seeds and the collection of the pure seeds what brings him to Project Ark where with the help of a group of soldiers he tries to stop the dark machinations whose goal is the destruction of a big part of the world and its inhabitants. 

I’d like the comic to feature a format that’s considerably lower and broader than the average comic, resembling the biblical arc. 

Operation Sun, Solemn

Strunz infiltrates a group that under the pretext they would be engaging for the social welfare of the world’s population plans to elevate the sun through a church and state law in order to easily recognize dissenters and punish them as heretics.

I’d like the comic to feature a round as the sun format; the comic’s pages would be united through some kind of staple on the left side (where the left hand uses to sustain the comic, if we’re speaking of a right hander).

The Walking Mirror

His eyes are like mirrors that reveal what’s inside of the person watching him. The story of a person that became famous, feared, persecuted, and hated, but also loved.

For this comic that reunites in a touching and dramatic way mystery and adventure, a 56 pages long script already exists.

This comic is based on my short story of the same name, more humorous in nature. I plan to translate it into English as soon as time allows.

X & Cyrus’s Treasure

In his younger days X became the assistant of an eccentric archaeologist who takes him on a quest for Cyrus’s treasure, a treasure also coveted by ruthless coevals that don’t shy at crimes in order to take possession of it.

It’s not only about the first adventure X, who’s looking for his family, his name, his identity and history, has to weather through, but also my debut feature in terms of comics. More than a quarter of a century ago I had almost completed delineations when the artist chosen by my person didn’t show any interest in hurling into a shared adventure, so I let the comic be. When some years ago I happened to rediscover the comic “by accident” I was astounded to meet with a comic full of adventure, humor, action, and mystery that instantly made me evocative of Hergé’s The Adventures of Tintin I had devoured when I was young. It took me quite a long time to find back to the height that had characterized my first comic that, by the way, is still dedicated to the same person, my younger brother. ;) To finally conclude this comic after more than two decades and then let it be drawn is one of my heart’s desires.

X & the Shadows of Art

In this mysterious action adventure a wealthy art thief, knowing he’ll soon die gives to X the task to travel the world in order to reunite every piece of art stolen by him, and give it back to their legitimate owners. Before long X notices that he isn’t traveling alone, but is accompanied by the mysterious shadows of art.

X & the Shadows of Art is a series of various volumes. Two of them already have their scripts completed (everything I encountered when I went for their realization is a story I’ll tell another time). A third one will introduce the superior art to us, the art of liberty. Has it been stolen as well? Can X give it back to the persons that have lost it?

The covers have been drawn by my friend Tulio Barrios.

Cover 1 - Tulio Barrios   Cover 2 - Tulio Barrios

The illustration, created by a Bolivian drawer is a vestige and exemplary fragment of what the comic could have looked like.

Other planned X-Adventure are:

X & the Mystery of the Forgotten Time or X & the Secret of the Science of Evil 

It’s almost a decade now that I’ve been searching the Internet for the interesting, but almost unknown, the strange and mysterious, that I note down abstruse ideas and philosophical chains of thought, thinking how X would react if confronted with them. Obviously, he’s got to deal once again with a lot of puzzles and secrets and with criminal opponents with a mind of their own and very nontransparent. On his journeys X is confronted with the mirror of time as signs of the times are being set; philosophical, historical, psychological, religious, and social aspects are being stated and deepened in an old or entirely new manner. But always there’s adventure with its enthralling twists and narrow escapes out of many unimagined dangers.

Normally I think anything through till the end – and there’s much of that here too –, but many things happen that remain in ambiguity, that sink in the fog or murky waters, or vanish in the dark so that you don’t know how it all will go on, just like in real life. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that also applies to this comic, you’ll see! I promise a peculiar and unique structure! I get into amazement, smile, consideration, and reflection time and again when delving into some of it…

Since at the end of the story some but far from all questions are solved, this comic will be something as the “Lost” amongst my comics what suggests that the universe of X is big and that further answers could be provided in further comics. I must admit that much of what happens I don’t understand either, but that’s not so bad, really. Will it work? I don’t have the shadow of a doubt!

Everybody to buy a ticket and board will be taken on the adventurous, sweeping, and fascinating ride that this adventure does promise.

That’s why I’m looking for that original character that as a professional comic-strip artist will join me on this voyage in order to get this long and curious creation going. An imaginative like myself who draws what comes, it doesn’t matter if super cool or mega crass or ultra-keen, without questioning and altering, without wanting to mislead or even trying to dissuade me from my course, a person that I can fully trust, until the journey’s completed, because this promises to become a quite monumental piece of work that will unite us for a long time. One page every day, even if it goes for years, this would be one of my biggest dreams!

X & the Imitators of Perdition (X in Bolivia)

Adventure, mystery, action. Almost a decade ago I begun noting down ideas for the adventures of X in Bolivia that every now and then are quite bloodcurdling, where X for example gets involved with Nazis that after the Second World War fled to South America in order to do mischief, create chaos, and manage skills. Apart from getting to know the imitators of perdition, X also encounters the imitated one in person, who loves to be imitated, who’s an imitator himself who copies originals even before they’ve manifested themselves, changing them beforehand, making believe he’d be creative when in fact he wants to destroy everything created. This story full of secrets isn’t based on my Bolivian experiences; I’ll come back to them in another moment (and they'll have nothing to do with X).

X & the Defensores Veritatis: The Colossus Monarchicorum

Old prophecies come true in front of X’s eyes. In this first volume of a series Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans pass by in X’s mind while he’s asking himself which prophetic point in history he’s standing at and what the future holds for him.

X & the Ne Plus Ultra or X, persecuted

A spiritual adventure and X’s excursion into metaphysics. In an Asian setting, X is being saved by a man who dies in his place, conveying him important messages he’ll need in order to clear the hurdles that await him in this adventure.

X & Kirpal Singh (X in India)

X saves the life of Kirpal Singh who grateful invites him to his place. India’s secrets are many and gloomy. In a mysterious country not only ideologies collide. A struggle between light and shadows, freedom and tolerance emerges. (Everything I encountered when I went for the realization of this comic is a story I’ll tell another time.)

The War of the Pacific

Historical comic full of adventure, action, drama, and intrigue that tells the story of the heroes of the war of the Pacific. It’s also about the son of a Bolivian sailor who tries to regain his boat and his sea. 19 pages outlined already exist.

Here the comics that could be gone about in a near future:

Quarter of a Century

Before vanishing without a trace he encountered her three times. But for a long time he kept on seeing her in his dreams. 25 years later he believes to recognize her in a photo. He begins to look for her again and gets to the bottom of a horrendous crime. The dead have come to a decision, inevitably. But is there absolution and redemption for the still living?

Two decades ago I took many notes for Fourth of a Century. This quite advanced trilogy is based on my life, mingled with fictional events. The volumes’ titles will be:


The Great Suffering Trilogy

This trilogy narrates of the holocaust and its consequences.

  1. Sonderkommando. Based on the harrowing eye-witness account of Shlomo Venezia who was forced by the Nazis to work in the gas chambers. Of all my comics this is the most tragic one, I’m completely aware of. If I’d be granted the permission for its realization I’d do my utmost in order to doing justice to the subject.
  2. Jewish Brigade, German Division. Killer elite preys Nazis in order to revenge the Holocaust.
  3. Suicide Mission. A mountain. Three religions. One explosive subject. Maybe my most important comic.

Pirates Trilogy

Mystery, adventure, and action are the ingredients of this story about the quest for a treasure, in particular of a legendary diamond able to seduce people and awaken their most basic and dangerous passions. Leading character is a man that in the first part has to fight blindness, deafness in the second, and muteness in the third. Maybe as a result to his strange medical history he begins to age quickly. His enemies are looking for him in order to kill him, but they don’t recognize him anymore what gives him an advantage when attempting to carry out his plans; yet his most adamant adversary is time. Many years before the first Pirates of the Caribbean film came out I already had the idea for this trilogy, but without the superstitious nonsense to it.

Pitcairn Ahoy! Bounty Down!

This great adventure about how the elusive mutineer found Pitcairn, though often told, deserves a new approach enriched by intriguing aspects rarely unveiled. These will be the chapters’ headings:

  • Prologue With Maps
  • Operation “Breadfruit”
  • The Monster and the Mutiny
  • Fleeing, Searching
  • Hell and Paradise
  • Court Martial
  • Epilogue

There will be a unique treatment for the visual and structural representation of the illustrations and the colors used. I can’t deepen that here, but I’m sure that the inclined reader will be pleased.

Moses and Hatshepsut

Conspiracies aren’t a phenomenon of our times only. Pseudohistory was already created by the old Egyptians that tried, by means of historical revisionism or negationism to hide the true story behind Hatshepsut, the Foremost of Noble Ladies and adoptive mother of Moses who, with the utmost probability accepted the faith of her son when witnessing the miracles and truths that changed him.

The Company of Adventurers

When I read the as much incredible as true story of furrier and explorer Pierre Radisson I knew I had to make a graphic novel about his life full of highs and lows, unexpected adventures and twists so sweeping that my guess is that the comic will result unputdownable, not because of my story telling talent but because of the story told.

Livingstone, I presume?

A historical and adventurous comic about Henry Morton Stanley’s quest for David Livingstone.

Scheme For How the World of Tomorrow Could Look Like

This comic of utmost importance tells the story of a genuine love that evolves in a world better than ours. New mini continents have been created, the cities have turned green, and the people enjoy freedom, and the children peace. The story is simple; everything else is complex. The story’s background consists of all my inventions, feasible and infeasible. I’d like to see this utopian comic realized before our world enters the era of dystopia written about by authors more intelligent as myself, before my comic couldn’t bring about positive change, or at least propose it. I think that the idea of reorganization of the cityscape with the aid of architectural innovations as described in this comic could be interesting for governments that think both of the welfare of their citizens and the preservation of the environment entrusted to them.