Even before my cinematographic studies I sometimes found myself imagining stories I imagined as comics. In our family trips dad always brought his Super 8 camera along and today my only regret is that he himself rarely appears on the moving images. Thanks to my cinematographic studies writing scripts and comics isn’t that hard. But it’s by no means a breeze, because every story has to be researched, structured, written and rewritten, and checked frequently in order to add up in the end. When creating a story I’m not taking the easy way, because I want it to be unique, surprising and entertaining, without becoming irrelevant. Almost every genre is welcome, as long as the script works. ;)

Recently they’ve discovered me as an author for music videos. And when, not long ago they invited me to be in front of the camera, together with Mónica Sánchez (Al fondo hay sitio) and Christian Castillo (El cementerio de los elefantes), an old dream of mine finally came true. But not only I want to act in music videos of my own and others, but also in feature films, that’s why I’m looking forward to the production of Red Trail (Boat of Memory).

Here you can watch Admito que no soy feliz of Los Brother's!

Here you can watch Volver a empezar de Codigo Fher!

With a group of creative persons my friend Camilo and I have ventured a sitcom settled in Miami (or a similar gaudy place). There exist some scripts in Spanish and he who wants to carry them into effect, I’ll gladly refer to Camilo. Here a little montage of the scenes of the television pilot that feature my acting.


You get to Pipo’s demo here!

Last but not least my own demo!

Hopefully soon

You want to finance one of my scripts? Please send me an e-mail with the following subject: SCRIPT FINANCING

You want to buy one of my scripts? Please send me an e-mail with the following subject: SCRIPT BUYING

You want me to write you a script? Please send me an e-mail with the following subject: SCRIPT WANTED

You want to make a short movie and lack ideas? Don’t worry! I’ve got dozens of them of (almost) every genre (just take a look at my SUNDRIES)! Just send me an e-mail with the following subject: SHORT MOVIE IDEA

What I’d love to know and couldn’t learn until today: Is there something like a market for ideas (attention: I mean ideas for movie scenes, not movie ideas per se, although I’ve got a lot of them, too)? There should be, because single ideas can be better than whole movies, and because there are scenes that (could) upvalue an apart from that middle film! The thing is, I’d like to sell some ideas (for a long time now). Scriptwriters and filmmakers should be able to access such a market! He who wants to shoot a thriller in the mountains or an action movie in the desert for example, could receive in each case a scene from me that could in both cases become the feast for the eyes and main attraction of the respective film. Actually, the desert scene I have in mind would have matched Furious 7 perfectly. Speaking of which, I've got another idea that might be suited for the saga's installment. If you know about that, please send me an e-mail with the following subject: MARKET OF IDEAS

First I want to introduce the films to you that could be approached (and partially sold) immediately, for their scripts are either completed or almost ready:

The Real Thing (Feature Film)


The Real Thing is a psychological thriller, an independent feature film that has what it takes to be considered for prequels and sequels. The script, available both in English and in Spanish, is ready to be sold.

When the actors of a movie called The Real Thing notice that they haven’t been chosen solely for their acting skills and good looks, it might already be too late for them to escape the script’s deadly plot.

The Rewinding (Feature Film)

Insiders know that franchises are incredibly important to Hollywood studios. I guess my Rewinding could result in spiritual sequels and also tie-ins. The Rewinding is both a commercial and art script.

Tones & Colors (Short Film)

Higher Mathematics (Short Film)

A cutoff math genius regrets a lost chance.

The Shed (Short Film)

One minute long short film about a boy who narrowly escapes from death.

The Grunting of the Swine (Short Film)

This animated short film tells about an inventor who wants to improve the world, and stays an optimist although his plan is doomed to failure.

All Men Are the Same (Short Film)

Dramedy on missing ability to discriminate that leads to generalization. How to become and how to stay a victim.

Recently I've written two Spanish scripts for short films that deal with organ trafficking. Apart from that they asked me to write an action and thriller script for a video clip that wasn’t made then; it tells the story of a famous diamond and a group of criminals that try in vain to obtain it.

Like I already noted down there is much material in my Sundries that without any difficulty could be transferred to short films. Almost any genre’s up for grabs, even though it’s comedy that’s head and shoulders above the rest, percentally speaking.



If you’re looking for the next big thing, this quite elaborated idea might be it! Normally it’s not that interesting doing something others do or have done as well. I can guarantee you that my Shift is something entirely new, but at the same time could (!) resort to the best of what has been (or is being) done. It’s a totally new and appealing approach, franchise loving Hollywood should be eager to embrace! Shift would work best as a straight-to-series commitment, since there are too many good ideas as to be given away in a TV pilot. In fact, quite a few of the ideas presented in my Shift document are so unique they might deserve their own shows. 

The Treasure of the Cordilleras

One of my favorite projects, a travel narrative full of suspense, adventure, drama, mystery, and action. Since May 2005 I’m dreaming of the realization of an adventurous series based on three Karl May books and interweaving two adventures (in one of them Karl May doesn’t appear in person, but I took the liberty to incorporate him and I hope you’ll thank me for that). Punch and marksmanship are maintained, and Karl May is still fraught with his trust in God, but he isn’t as confident anymore to save his bacon in every delicate situation, for in my book this often took away from the suspense. Since some years back I dedicated to this series for a time the scripts could be completed in half a year, if support befalls me, that is. My policy was one of strict concealment for I’d have liked to surprise (yes, I even wanted to film the series whithou hype in South America and then present it as a fait accompli), however I can’t uphold it if I don’t want to run the risk that its realization is jiggled to an indefinite future or will be abandoned entirely.

I think that time’s ripe for new Karl May film adaptations! They deserve an international and long lasting franchise (and I’d wish for a coproduction with a proved and tested North American film studio). Already I have a successful actor for Karl May in mind who in addition to German also talks English and Spanish! Afterwards the first six volumes, my favorite books, should become a trilogy of feature films. Of course having Winnetou in the series is a must! Though he’d make his appearance in the franchise now and then there should be a feature-length production telling about his enmity and friendship with Old Shatterhand, the life, aspiration, and death of Winnetou.

Well, after having put this on paper I can vividly imagine that somebody will have the drop on this venture. It would be nice however to at least be part of the adventure this franchise promises to be, with The Treasure of the Cordilleras. But I’d already be glad to have given the impetus to it and set the ball rolling…

The Right Face (Series)

Drama, Science Fiction, Adventure, and Action. The centerpiece of this series is an adventurous and romantic narrative that can stand on its own and which I plan to picturize to a feature film with Pipo.

Everywhere on the globe strange buildings looking like domes are being raised called survival capsules by those that aren’t allowed to enter. For there’s a rumour abroad that the world is doomed – and that only some chosen ones will outlive the decline.

I’ve got an idea for a Science Fiction Miniseries or Feature Film whose title I want to keep strictly confidential yet, because knowing the title alone could already lead to productions and also my exclusion from them. Anyhow, I would just sell the idea per se, nothing elaborated! So, if you’re interested, let me know!

In the end I don't want to let unmentioned a series I'd love to film in Bolivia and with Bolivian actors. It's about the struggle against an elite that misuses the school system in order to create an army of slaves that won't oppose their dark plans.

In the following the films I plan to shoot with Pipo but which also could be sold; apart from some short films it’s about the following feature films:

The Real Thing

Red Trail (Boat of Memory)

Double Delivery, First Packet &
Double Delivery, Second Packet

With this duology, an insane comedy of errors about a frustrated filmmaker I’m writing in Spanish, I’ve resolved to do the funniest movies of the millennium. According to plan I’ll crate the packets at the same time, but won’t post them at the same time so that they can’t be opened by the audience at the same time. Walter, Micky, Gustavo and Rolando will be in on it. And Pipo, naturally. And possibly Daniel. And hopefully Guz, if I’m able to search him out, the wittiest person I’ve encountered.

I myself used to be a funny tot back then – and there are still aplenty hilarious thoughts setting on me. Fortunately, I’ve noted down many of them and the scripts I began writing in 2002 (when their titles were still I’m Not Brad Pitt! and I’m Edward Norton!, and the scripts were quite bad) are quite advanced by now. At that time life seemed to be brighter and smiling at me. If I don’t complete them soon it may be that reality and the seriousness of life catch up with me sooner! The funniest movies of the millennium? Really? Well, at least I’ll try!

The Lost Piece

I don’t want to reveal too much, only as far as that this film could herald the era of a new genre. Or not.

The Right Face (Feature Film)

Drama, Science Fiction, Adventure, Action, and a Romance Film. Outside, there live those that dream of being right faces – almost a complete impossibility if you don’t stand out with a rare skill! – or obtain them, but that’s strictly forbidden and punished with the death penalty. But what if a right face falls in love with a false one? And is it really that desirable to be a right face?

Gangs of Cochabamba or Uncle’s Stories

Gangster Film, Drama, Adventure, und Action. And Animation. The story of a man that already as a kid initiates a career of organized crime only to realize later on that this decision has brought in nothing than misfortune. The script is quite developed. My short film Tones & Colors is based on it, but seems to become more fantastic than its literary precursor that’s more based on reality, and persists as a draft since 2009.

Newborn, a Second Chance (until now – and maybe forever – rather a Short Film)

An arrogant scientist in search for eternal youth becomes a child again and therefore gets a second chance to become the good man his mother always wanted him to be. Newborn is a comedy with a Christian message for all the family, whose script is already completed.

Characteristical for this movie are, amongst others, the beautiful and upvalueing compositions of my mom. As a musician who became a composer on his own because of the lovely melodies and harmony that prevailed in the parental home, I know what I’m talking about.

Once Upon a Time in South America

Feature film about the Bolivian Tin King Simón Ituri Patiño.

Now the movies that could be approached in a near future:

Violent Document

A Thriller and Road Movie – and at the same time a Found Footage of Psychological Horror. A film student overreaches himself with the assignment to document danger.

Lost & Found

A film that in itself accomodates different genres that tell about the lost and the seekers. Of course, I hope that this movie will be a discovery of its own.

The Head Scratcher

In this adventurous and mysterious road movie a hired killer travels to Bolivia, a country he’s linked to because of an open account, in order to carry into execution a difficult and dangerous assignment.

Light vs. Shadows

Classified information. A social film. A musical and a new genre, hopefully!

The Expedition to the City of Stone

A mysterious and adventurous travel narrative with a bloodcurdling conclusion, about the search for a legendary city. The mockumentary will be subdivided into the following chapters:

  • The News
  • The Crew
  • The Expedition
  • The Mysteries
  • The Deaths
  • The City of Stone

This is one of the rare movies I’ve already several actors in mind for – in a combination that I consider extremely felicitous and almost unsurpassable.

A Persiflage of Superheroes without a title yet

The Truth About the Rainbow

A collection of short films with conversations about the worldshaking.

The Company of Adventurers

(Life of) Cineman

A feature film that contains a documentary short film. Cineman, one of the first black actors compares his life with the history of American film and culture that changes according to the zeitgeist whereas he himself remains true to his ideals. When starting to renarrate in a documentary the slowly changing role of blacks in Hollywood, he comes to his name: Cineman.

It’s been many years now that I dream of writing this script (in the year 2007 and until 2010 I put down in writing plenty of ideas), but I can imagine that, in order to finish it the best way possible, I will need the help of a second author, somebody well versed in the subject.

The Plan

Science Fiction, Mystery, Adventure, and War. I only want to reveal as much: The Plan reminds of Matrix and Cube in the beginning, but then takes an altogether different course told in three to four parts but in one and the same movie, and without being sub-divided into chapters. I’ll arrange for every part being different, special, and surprising! It’s more: If this wouldn’t be a feature film, it could become a series as well, and every part could be told in a different season.

Then I plan to film one Comedy and two Historical Films with TIMELESS PRODUCTIONS. I’ll report on them in due time!

Possible franchises:

Amongst maybe others those could be, in my view, the following projects:

Shift, The Treasure of the Cordilleras, The Rewinding, The Right Face (Series), The Real Thing, the herein before mentionedScience Fiction Miniseries or Feature Film and maybe The Plan, then my Pirates Trilogy, and a new Bond whose adventures start withThe Good Memoriesthough we probably get to know him in the comicThe Last Waterloo, the fourth volume of the series.

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