If you're a singer or a band, consider the possibility of hiring Pipo in order to make your music video. It doesn't matter if you present ideas or a script or don't, or want to be in the video or don't, if you come visit us in order to be a witness to the production process or don't, the number of actors or extras you want to have in your video, etc., for everything depends on the contract we'll puzzle out for you and with you. If you want to take advantage of Bolivia's landmarks and have one or more of them appearing in the final product, google them up and let us know. A good product is guaranteed, while you only pay a fraction of what you'd pay back in the United States, England, Spain, Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

If you want to make your music video, please send us an e-mail with the following subject: MUSIC VIDEO.

Look at Pipo's Demo here: