To be a writer and rank among authors is a dream that can be reached only in an alert condition! Hard work’s behind every book, especially since writing fluidly isn’t always easy to manage yet the reader deserves an easy reading. When I was young I considered my spelling style quite successful, but there were other opions that I (unfortuntately) took seriously. Thereupon I had to deal with expensive writing coaches that I didn’t understand because they were unable to express themselves clearly, with ghostwriters that defaced my books, and with publishers that were served by writers instead of serving them. It’s because of that that many of my books were put on ice – and I turned to writing scripts for comics and movies instead. Today, ripened by experience, (hopefully) also concerning my writing skills, it is my goal to free them from the ice little by little, let them melt and then see them through – or let others do that…

Soon I’ll start working on the fascinating life story of a former drug runner whom I interviewed. In one of our conversations he handed me the first chapter of an autobiography of his then acquaintance, Roberto Suárez Gómez who before his death had been writing on it. It goes without saying that said chapter will expand into the biography.

To introduce my drawings, sayings and cartoons to a broader public is a dream that could bceom true in a few years. Thus you can be looking forward to my book of drawings, my book of dicta, and my book of cartoons! On-again-off-again, click on Hot in order to enjoy the news that will await you monthly.

The King, the Island and the Sea is an (almost) finished book on the search of a son for his father in a fantastic world. In 2000 I began writing on this my first book that occupied me time and again until 2009.

The Threefold Island - Friedebert RosenthalThe House on the Bike - Friedebert RosenthalThe Lamb and the Dragon - Friedebert Rosenthal

The King, the Island and the Sea IN THE WORKS

On the Steady and the Gone is a quite far blossomed book I was writing on between 2003 and 2005, to which I returned to briefly in 2007 and 2009. Maybe being my most important book it gives an account of a strange fenomenon: The bad of yesterday’s become today’s good; the good of yesterday’s bcome today’s bad! The unnatural’s becoming normal, whereas the normal’s alien and objectionable out of a sudden. A science fiction novel, settled in a not too distant future, in a deranged society, in a contorted generation, in a changed world. In a time where words are living through a momentous reinterpretation, people and opinions are lumped together in a bag while those who don’t want to end up there are persecuted by the law. But who’s better off? The steady in error or the gone, even if they’re called gone crazies?

The Hawk or Sphynx Moth (Sphingidae) - Tulio Barrios

On the Steady and the Gone IN THE WORKS

Unholy Wood addresses the diverse abstruse messages that at the movies are being presented by resplendent stars. In 2003 and 2005 I engaged myself in this subject to which I kept on returning until 2009, subject I still consider very transcendent. “The most important art for revolution is the movies”, said Lenin. If he was right, then there’s danger that a revolution might be imminent and we may not even have noticed.

Unholy Wood IN THE WORKS

In the Country of (Un)Limited Impossibilities narrates my experiences in Bolivia. The things that befell me defy description. Nevertheless, I’ll try! If you rejoice in crashs, misfortune, and malfunction that happen to others, I’ll heartily suggest you read my autobiography.

In the Country of (Un)Limited Impossibilities IN THE WORKS

About the Wheat and the Weed (Persecution from Within) is about the fact that it’s better to be persecuted than to persecute – if it concerns inalienable rights like freedom of conscience, of opinion, of expression, and of religion.

About the Wheat and the Weed (Persecution from Within) IN THE WORKS

Shadows & Light tells the story of the shadows from their beginnings to their end.

Shadows & Light IN THE WORKS

What Comes Next. On the repetition of history and the resulting worldwide dystopia.

What Comes Next IN THE WORKS

After Me the What? is a humorously written book on the perils that result if you build your house on sand because you don’t know history or don’t attach the importance it’s entitled to.

After Me the What? IN THE WORKS

The Big Silence or The Missing Verses is a book against oblivion that grants new insight into the old Lord’s Day and is - believe it or not! - of the uttermost explosiveness! This could also result in a comic.

The Big Silence or The Missing Verses IN THE WORKS

Two figures of the Old Testament, Joseph and Jonah, are leading characters of a children’s book that I want to put into practice with a good Argentinian friend. The fair and beautiful illustrations of the Jonah story are almost done.

Jonah contemplates Nineveh - Wally Gomez

The Lamb and the Dragon is a children’s book and poem on the parable of the lost sheep that makes the hearts of old and young alike beat faster. Soon, this book and poem will be waiting for you and your family on my FOR YOU page!

But as the shepherd counts the sheep
He feels a sudden fear so deep:
“The youngest gone –, o horror mine!
From hundred only ninety-nine!”
(Translation by my wonderful aunt, a very gifted poet.)

The Sheperd is Counting His Sheep - Luis Santa Cruz

Last but not least Edward Rosenthal presents his
to all that live and write to embellish / that love good and right / that wish to be relish / and light.