
The Last Waterloo, Day vs. Night, Greasy Grass and Death of Two Heretics are two comics I’m already working on. Here I’m presenting to you the comics that (together with my Sundries) I’d like to go about soon. Check the comic you’d like to hold in your hands particularly eagerly. The decision when I’ll be working on which of these comics (or another one) is mine, but it can be influenced by you and your preference!

Proyectos 34


Except for the biography of a former drug trafficker and About the Wheat and the Weed (and my art books that are dealing with my drawings, sayings, and cartoons) I’d like to turn toward the following books as soon as possible. Check the book you’d like to read first! The decision when I’ll be working on which of these books (or another one) is mine, but it can be influenced by you and your preference!

Proyectos 35

Films & Scripts

Here I’m presenting to you the films and scripts to films I’d love to tackle soon (Red Trail and Higher Mathematics where I’d like to be acting myself, and The Real Thing I may sell are excluded). Check the film you’d especially like to see.  The decision when I’ll be working on which of these films or scripts (or another one) is mine, it can be influenced by you and your preference!

Proyectos 36

Music CDs

Currently I’m working on my English CD Boat of Memory. Check the CD you’d like to listen to next! The decision when I’ll be working on which of these CDs (or another one) is mine, but it can be influenced by you and your preference!

Proyectos 37